Friday 29 August 2014

(Top 50 Countdown!!!) 26. 1910 Fruitgum Company - "1,2,3 Red Light"

It goes like this. (... or not: the copyright holders for this one don't want it on the 'net - not even shared on Soundcloud. It was removed about an hour after I added it.)

The only possible way this record could’ve been any more the very most bubblegum thing in the world would’ve been if it had been featured in an episode of The Banana Splits, accompanied by the usual multi-used-a-million-times footage of Six Flags Over Texas, bookended by the Sour Grapes Bunch scaring Drooper with their trademark hitch-hiker dancing while eating candyfloss in just that kinda way which you couldn’t get past the censors these days but which at the time the ‘suits’ just, you know, thought was funny. Something like that, that would’ve made it more bubblegum. It wasn’t a hit in Britain, but was a favourite of US-born DJ Paul Gambaccini so he’d play it on his Radio 1 show every now and again. That’s where I heard it first, don’t know about anyone else in ‘the band’. Two years later and it would surely have been prime fodder for Jonathan King to do under one of his many ‘nyms. (While I’m here: who agrees that “Johnny Reggae” is the best reggae record ever made? You can keep your Sly and Robbies, really you can. Honestly, it’s either “Johnny Reggae” or “Move Up Starsky”.) But look, you’re distracting me. The Fruitgums: there would’ve been no Pooh Sticks without them (just so you know who to complain to).

Now, before you do anything else, and because they can't touch you for it, have a go yourself! There's simply none-more-fun!

"Think Bubble" is an album (LP only) of 1995 demos for an unreleased Pooh Sticks album.
See 'About Me' for details.

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