Sunday, 5 October 2014

1993 Japan shows: the last ever Pooh Sticks gigs

The final gigs that The Pooh Sticks ever did were in Japan, in 1993. The line-up on stage for those shows was Hue (obviously), plus Dick (guitar), Chris (guitar), Ray (bass) and Simon (drums): here’s what it sounded like in rehearsal, and here's a moody photo of them taken by Andrew Pothecary

At the end of the second Tokyo show, Simon stagedived; I was at the back of the hall next to the mixing disk, and from where I was standing he didn’t half seem to be spending a long time submerged in the crowd. Basically, it hadn’t gone well: he’d disclocated his shoulder and then had to go to hospital. He played the third Tokyo show, and the one a couple of days later in Osaka, with one arm. It was a triumph, to be fair. Anyway, so a show in Osaka with a one-armed drummer was the last ever Pooh Sticks performance: it seemed like a fitting way to end it all, and there’s never been any reason since to have another go! So, November 3rd 1993, Osaka, Japan: the last ever Pooh Sticks gig. Were you there?

"Think Bubble" is an album (LP only) of 1995 demos for an unreleased Pooh Sticks album.
See 'About Me' for details.

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